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  • Building the Capability

    Exceeding the Expectation...

  • Our researchers are focused on

    Developing Innovative
    New Therapies...

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    Discovery, Development &

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.

Quality Control

Is supervised by a post graduate in pharmacy dully approved by the FDA Maharashtra with ample years of experience in chemical testing technique.

- Chemical Testing Laboratory
- Instrumental Analysis
- Microbiological Analysis

Quality Assurance

Is supervised by a post graduate in pharmacy dully approved by the FDA Maharashtra with ample years of experience and well conversant to recent quality assurance techniques.

Liquids Section

Is governed by graduate in science/ graduate in pharmacy dully approved by FDA Maharashtra with ample years of experience in this manufacturing. And supervised by the experienced supervisor and experienced operators.

External Section

Is governed by graduate in science/ graduate in pharmacy dully approved by FDA Maharashtra with ample years of experience in this manufacturing. And supervised by the experienced supervisor and experienced operators.

Our Features!

The premises of the unit are situated in 5 star industrial area of M.I.D.C. Butibori, which is the largest industrial estate in Asia. This industrial area is situated in D+ zone declared by the Ministry of Industries Maharashtra State. It is just 28 kms. From the Nagpur zero mile stone. The zero mile stone is not just the center or heat point of Nagpur city but it a land mark and is the hypothetical center of India.

Nagpur is well connected to the rest of India by road as well as by rail route. The Babasaheb International Air Port is just 15 kms from MIDC.

The surrounding of the plant is clean and in healthy environmental control.

Company has developed the garden in front of the plant building with ample amount of tree plantation and lawn with water fountain.

The building of the plant is constructed as per the rules and regulations of the MIDC authority and as per the specification mentioned in Schedule “M” of Drugs and Cosmetic Act.

The building is three storied structure with RCC frame work and has been taken in consideration of the intrusion of rodents and insect inside the building. The building has been treated for the pest. While constructing the building construction is done so as to comply to the WHO GMP norms. The floors of the building is smooth and easy to clean, so as to maintain the hygiene.


Mr. Sudhir Ravindra Deulgaonkar

Managing Director

M/s Snehal Pharma & Surgicals Pvt. Ltd.


Snehal Pharma & Surgicals Pvt. Ltd.

The Managing Director of Company Mr. Sudhir R. Deulgaonkar the Pharmaceutical Formulation trading in 1995, under the Name & Style as M/s Snehal Enterprises, Nagpur.

Initialy the bussiness was only oriented in Nagpur, they developed the trade sales and institutional sales in Nagpur itself.

Day by day the Business developed and they have covered the trade sales and institutional sales in Vidarbha, while doing the saling activities the Snehal Enterprises became the authorised distributors of big wig companies such as..Read More


Snehal Pharma & Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a Nagpur based pharmaceutical formulation manufacturing organisation. The production facilities are located at MIDC Area, Butibori, Nagpur.

Contact Us

Regd. Office:
E 101, 1st Floor, Plot No 163E, Vasant Kunj,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Dadar (East)
Mumbai 400036
Corporate Office:
103, Renuka Enclave,
Keshav Niwara, Renuka Layout,
Yashoda Nagar, Hingna Road, Nagpur-441108.
0712 - 2221331, 2247171
0712 - 2247171


Factory Address :
B-1/11, B-2/1, MIDC industrial Area,
Butibori, Nagpur-441108.
Helpline No. :
+91 7796615904

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